For mom this Mother's Day, why not make homemade jam? Just don't tell her how easy it is

entertainment2024-06-03 16:40:148

Mother’s Day always feels like a bit of a push-pull to me on many levels. Leaving the wide range of family dynamics aside (that’s another article, to be written by another writer!), the-stay-in-and-cook vs. going-out conundrum bubbles up every year.

Make mom a fabulous meal at home (with the ensuing clean up, and perhaps a bit of pressure)? Personal and thoughtful for sure. But maybe not in the cards for everyone. Take mom out for a lavish celebration? Lovely if you can swing it, but also with some downsides (cost, fighting for reservations, etc).

If you’re looking for something simple and doable, think about breakfast. Sure, maybe even call it brunch, but I can promise you as a mom, and the daughter of a mom, the best part about Mother’s Day is keeping it happy and uncomplicated.

And what’s more happy and uncomplicated than breakfast? Scrambled eggs. Homemade pancakes. Buttered toast. Fruit salad or a bowl of mixed berries. Maybe some muffins.

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